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Beginner A1

Beginner 1 (A1.1)

Standard Courses

Welcome to French! First time studying French or just getting back into the language after many years? If so, you are in the right place! Learn basics like numbers and the alphabet, plus how to introduce yourself, have simple conversations, and write a postcard en français. No prerequisite for French.

At the end of our French 101 level, you’ll be able to:
- Introduce yourself, introduce someone
- Talk about what you like and don’t like
- Talk about your family
- Ask and answer simple questions
- Count and pay in French

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Beginner 2 (A1.2)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 1, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations: plans, holidays, hobbies, and shopping. Practice direct exchanges about routine tasks and familiar matters.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Ask and answer all types of questions
- Understand a menu and order at a restaurant
- Talk about your city, your home
- Invite friends and accept an invitation
- Set up a meeting with friends
- Shop and do grocery shopping in French
- Ask someone to do something

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Beginner 2 (A1.2)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 1, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations: plans, holidays, hobbies, and shopping. Practice direct exchanges about routine tasks and familiar matters.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Ask and answer all types of questions
- Understand a menu and order at a restaurant
- Talk about your city, your home
- Invite friends and accept an invitation
- Set up a meeting with friends
- Shop and do grocery shopping in French
- Ask someone to do something

Pace: 2hr per week for 10 weeks

Beginner 3 (A1.3)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 2, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations: plans, holidays, hobbies, and shopping. Practice direct exchanges about routine tasks and familiar matters.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Talk about your hobbies and activities
- Ask and give the price, 
- Comment on clothes and style
- Talk about food
- Tell a story in the past
- Write a message to a friend
- Leave a review about a restaurant

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Beginner 3 (A1.3)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 2, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations: plans, holidays, hobbies, and shopping. Practice direct exchanges about routine tasks and familiar matters.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Talk about your hobbies and activities
- Ask and give the price, 
- Comment on clothes and style
- Talk about food
- Tell a story in the past
- Write a message to a friend
- Leave a review about a restaurant

Pace: 2hr per week for 10 weeks

Beginner 4 (A1.4)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 3, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Give advice
- Talk about your health, go to a doctor
- Talk about a project
- Comment on an event in the past
- Present yourself in a professional environment
- Meet people in a professional context
- Talk over the phone
- Describe the weather

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Beginner 4 (A1.4)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Beginner 3, the goal of this course is to build on your ability to have familiar everyday conversations.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:
- Give advice
- Talk about your health, go to a doctor
- Talk about a project
- Comment on an event in the past
- Present yourself in a professional environment
- Meet people in a professional context
- Talk over the phone
- Describe the weather

Pace: 2hr per week for 10 weeks

Beginner 5 (A1.5)

Standard Courses
Intermediate A2

Intermediate 3 (A2.3)

Standard Courses

Our Intermediate 3 class (203) is meant for people with 120 to 140 hours of French study. This course will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of French structures and expand your vocabulary beyond the very basics

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:

- Give biographical information
- Situate in time
- Express manner and intensity
- Show the exceptional nature of an event
- Indicate chronology
- Express dissatisfaction
- Explain, justify a commitment
- Describe an object or item of clothing
- Ask for details about an object
- Go shopping
- Indicate quantities

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Intermediate 5 (A2.5)

Standard Courses
Short Course - No French required

65C - Cabaret - Edith Piaf

Short Courses
World famous Edith Piaf, will be the featured artist for Cabaret on Friday, March 28.
Pace: 1hr 30mns (Short Course)

Parlons! Introduction to conversation (B1 and up)

Conversation Courses

Un premier cours de conversation pour mettre en pratique toutes les structures et le vocabulaire étudiés de 101 à 304. Ce cours vous permettra de gagner en confiance, de prendre la parole plus facilement en français et de pratiquer dans la bonne humeur.

Pas de livre : les textes, documents audio ou courtes vidéos, seront fournis par le professeur et peuvent être variés selon les désirs des participants.

Pace: 1hr 30mns per week for 11 weeks
Advanced B1

Advanced 2 (B1.2)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Advanced 1. Continue to reinforce communication skills in French.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:

Some of these items are studied in lower levels, with simpler structures and vocabulary.

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Advanced 5 (B1.5)

Standard Courses

A continuation of Advanced 1. Continue to reinforce communication skills in French.

At the end of our this course, you’ll be able to:

Some of these items are studied in lower levels, with simpler structures and vocabulary.

Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Advanced Semi-Private 1 (former 305)

Standard Courses
This is a semi-private class with teacher Sylvie Deniaud. If it's your first time enrolling for it, please contact School Director ( before registering.
Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Advanced Semi-Private 2 (former 402)

Standard Courses
This is a semi-private class with teacher Sylvie Deniaud. If it's your first time enrolling for it, please contact School Director ( before registering.
Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks

Advanced Semi-Private 3 (former 406)

Standard Courses
This is a semi-private class with teacher Sylvie Deniaud. If it's your first time enrolling for it, please contact School Director ( before registering.
Pace: 2hr per week for 11 weeks
Expert B2

Advanced Semi-Private 4 (Femmes fabuleuses)

Standard Courses

Advanced Semi-Private 5 (Littérature)

Conversation Courses
This is a semi-private class with teacher Jamie Gurholt.
Pace: 1hr 30mns per week for 11 weeks

Conversation (B2 and up)

Standard Courses

Conversation (B2 and up)

Conversation Courses

Conversation en toute liberté (B2)

Conversation Courses

Un cours qui s’adresse aux personnes ayant déjà un bon niveau en français. On y parle de la vie dans les pays francophones et de ce qui s’y passe: cuisine, vie culturelle, voyages ou actualités. Tout cela dans la bonne humeur du groupe.

Pas de livre : les textes, documents audio ou courtes vidéos, seront fournis par le professeur et peuvent être variés selon les désirs des participants.

Nous offrons à des personnes douées d'une bonne connaissance de la langue française la possibilité de pratiquer la langue parlée et d'enrichir leurs connaissances dans un nombre de domaines variés, normalement puisés dans l'actualité du moment.

Pace: 1h 30mns per week for 10 weeks

Français Avancé avec une pincée de grammaire

Standard Courses

Grammaire de perfectionnement

Standard Courses

Les Matinées du jeudi (C1-C2)

Standard Courses
Grand classique, roman à la mode ou nouveau coup de coeur, chaque session, le groupe lit, découvre, analyse et commente un roman francophone.
Venez partager votre amour de la littérature avec notre professeur Flora.
Pace: 1hr 30mns per week for 11 weeks

Parlons! Introduction to conversation (B1 and up)

Conversation Courses

Un premier cours de conversation pour mettre en pratique toutes les structures et le vocabulaire étudiés de 101 à 304. Ce cours vous permettra de gagner en confiance, de prendre la parole plus facilement en français et de pratiquer dans la bonne humeur.

Pas de livre : les textes, documents audio ou courtes vidéos, seront fournis par le professeur et peuvent être variés selon les désirs des participants.

Pace: 1hr 30mns per week for 11 weeks

Order This Course

$25.00 USD

Code: 65C - Cabaret - Spring 2025

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